We are in service in a lot of ways through Lebanon UMC! Here are some ways we are at work in our community and beyond.
Dip Dinner for Local Missions is March after worship
Come for a delicious meal and donate to your favorite Upper Valley Charities like The Haven, Headrest, WISE, Listen, Humane Society, The Family Place, and Dismas House. The UMW ladies will host the meal and then donate your money to the charities. Thank you for supporting our neighbors in distress through this activity.
Community Assistance Vouchers
Our gas vouchers our available by visiting Listen Center on 60 Hanover St Lebanon NH
LISTEN Mission Express
Canned and boxed food and other non-perishable items are collected the third Sunday of each month. Of course, you can bring contributions any day of the month and leave them in the LISTEN Mission basket that is either in the sanctuary or the entryway to the church.
United Women Faith
Emphasis on mission is the primary focus of UMF. Our programs concern mission to women, children and youth; locally, throughout this country and around the world. There are no "dues". However, each woman contributes in what ever way she is able toward the mission emphases. The Unit at the Lebanon church is small but active. Any woman can be a member, even if she is not a member of the Church. We usually meet once a month, contact the church office for an updated schedule. Each meeting has a program relating to some mission project.
Knitting Circle
The Knitting Circle has been meeting quite regularly but not always in the same place. Call Ruthie B. 603-442-5715 or email if you are interested in fellowshipping with us. Prayer Shawls are also being worked on regularly. Should you know someone that you would like to give a shawl and have the Pastor or Congregation pray over it for the person, please speak with Ruthie B.