Giving Opportunities

Are you called to give to the work of God in and through Lebanon United Methodist Church? There are many opportunities to give and give back! 

If you wish to give to the ministry of Lebanon United Methodist Church, or contribute to one of the offerings below, you may send a donation to the church office: Lebanon United Methodist Church, 18 School Street, Lebanon NH 03766. Please clearly indicate the specific offering on your payment (undesignated gifts will contribute to the general fund and the overall minsitry of LUMC). 


Monthly Donations 

Each month, Lebanon UMC takes two special collections. The Pastor's Discretionary Fund collection is the first Sunday of the month (unless that Sunday is designated for another special offering), and the money in this fund helps us offer gas vouchers, food vouchers, and other assistance to people in our congregation and community who are in need of some extra funds. The LISTEN offering, taken the third Sunday of the month, is a collection of non-perishable food items. These items are counted and delivered to the LISTEN Food Pantry to help our community. 


Disaster Relief -  (through our Pass it On Fund) 

In times of crisis, we take special collections for Disaster Relief and other special needs, most often through The United Methodist Committee on Relief. When giving through Lebanon UMC or any United Methodist Church, you can be sure that 100% of your contribution goes directly to the stated disaster. Checks can be written to Lebanon UMC, with the specific relief effort listed clearly on the memo line and we will take care of the rest. 


Special Sundays  

The United Methodist Church observes six Special Sundays a year, when we take a collection for a specific ministry within the denomination. You can learn more about UMC Special Sundays through the denomination's website. In addition, on the first Sunday of March each year, Lebanon UMC remembers the fire that destroyed our building and the loving community near and far that helped rebuild. That Sunday, we take an offering for our Pass it On Fund. This money is given in small gifts, along with a note of prayer and support, to other churches we hear about who lose their building to fire. 


Pledges and Offerings 

If you wish to give to the general ministry of Lebanon United Methodist Church, you may send a donation to the church office or place it in the offering plate. Please contact the church office (see the contacts tab on this website) if you wish to speak to the financial secretary about your regular pledge or about a special offering. 


Memorial Gifts 

If you are giving in honor or memory of someone, please send your offering to the church at the above address, or place it in the offering plate. Write the check to Lebanon United Methodist Church and clearly write "Memorial Gift" and the individual's name in the memo line. You should receive a thank you for your memorial gift. If you do not recieve such confirmation, please contact the church office, and we will help you mkae sure that your gift was designated correctly in our accounts. 


Planned Giving

Please speak with the pastor if you would like to make arrangements to give a lasting gift to the work of God through Lebanon UMC in your Will.