United Methodist Women

2016 Photos
Bringing Attention to Human Trafficing by Raising Umbrellas
UMW Celebrates Martin Luther Kings Birthday

2015 Photos
Giving Artfully
Creating Cards 
Dip Dinner

United Methodist Women (UMW) is an active organization that is recognized in the Church Discipline. Each United Methodist Church is encouraged to have a Unit. The purpose of the UMW is stated in The Book of Discipline:"The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church" (P255.4)
Emphasis on mission is the primary focus of UMW. Our programs concern mission to women, children and youth; throughout this country and around the world. There are no "dues". However, each woman contributes in what ever way she is able toward the mission emphases. The Unit at the Lebanon church is small but active. Any woman can be a member, even if she is not a member of the Church. We usually meet once a month, contact the church office for an updated schedule. Each meeting has a program relating to some mission project of UMW as well as conducting business.

For more information about UMW, contact Sharon P. at 603-863-7348.


UMW Meetings and Service

**Due to COVID these events are postponed**

  • Holiday Bazaar at LUMC.  
  • Dip Dinner for Local Charities.  Our fund-raiser for local missions.  Bring food and helping hands. 

UMW Reading Book Lists: click here  

UMW Members serving God in and for LUMC ministries in the following ways:

Accompany Pastor Bae to homes of shut-ins and helps with communion there. 

Ruthie knits prayer shawls and other items to give away with love.

Tina visits friends and family in nursing homes and uses our year old Prayer Calendar to pray daily for missionaries worldwide. She frequently does coffee hour and gets the church recyclables to the bin each week.

Jodi A is the church photographer and keeps the church members connected to happenings at the church by posting her photos on the bulletin boards monthly and then puts them in an annual memory book to perseve them for future generations. She is also Communications Coordinator for the NH District UMW and creates a bi-annual newsletter, Northern Lights, that is sent to UMW members throughout the state.  A member of the United Valley Interfaith Project, Jodi is activity involved in the current UVIP Campaign:  Aging with Dignity.